Welcome to 
Phyll A Doric Storyteller
a bit of Storytelling
a bit of Creative Writing
and an Odd Photo or Two


Loving the craft of storytelling, bringing a story to life and letting it grow with each telling it is a fascinating process which I plan to share.  How I do this still has to be firmed up, but it will be fun trying to work that out.

Follow my Blog

A light hearted look at the process of storytelling

It’s a work in progress, and it will be developed before your very eyes!

Storytelling Events

I am an Apprentice Storytelling with Scottish Storytelling Centre working to become a professional teller on their regester of storytellers.

i can be contacted to tell for events as this is part of my apprenticeship which is how I show my competence.  As a teller who has been telling stories for over 15years I can tell for children, in schools, at libraries with groups such as cubs and scouts.  if you are looking for a storyteller I would be happy to quote for your event. Also very happy to supple references.

Phyll a Doric Storyteller

I have three passions in my life, storytelling, creative writing and photography.  Join me as I travel through life and all the above.  Joining me in this photo with Archie my helping hand in some of my stories.